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Los Angeles, California | Žena Hledám A Žena


Sebe bych popsal(a) jako
I am a fun loving, energetic lady who loves to have a good time, enjoys a variety of life's experiences; one who fully believes that laughter truly is the best medicine.
However, that said, I do know when and where to be serious and respect that trait in others as well. I would say that above all, I am searching for a man who has the confidence to know that he is worth my time, and vice versa. Someone that knows how to have a good time and enjoys life’s unique experiences will capture my attention.
I enjoy a wide range of activities from your stereotypical walk on the beach to traveling, and enjoying great art or music events. Generally I consider myself to be very open to new experiences and will try a variety of activities to enjoy life. Jazz concerts, travel, movies and plays are ways that I enjoy spending free time.
Really though, I think fun comes from who you are, rather than what you are doing. Good company can make what would have been a mundane experience turn into a really great time.
I look forward to seeing what the future will bring with the right person, and am optimistic that I will find that someone. I want a real, open friendship that will evolve into a serious relationship. So, at this time, having some unique, rewarding, and fun times and enjoying the company of a fantastic person is my key goal. We’ll see what happens from there.

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je
Má výška je
1,63 m
Barva mých očí
Můj původ je
Můj rodinný stav je
Mám děti
Ano - se mnou nežijí
Chci děti
Mou nejlepší částí je
Body Art
Ani mě to nenapadne
Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených
Žádní domácí mazlíčci
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat


Má úroveň vzdělání je
Vysokoškolský diplom
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je
Osoba samostatně výdělečně činná
Mé zaměření je
Politika / Vláda
Název mého zaměstnání je
Management Consultant (Gov't. projects)
To si vydělám za rok
$60,000USD až $74,999USD
Vše je v klidu
Jsem kuřák
Ano - ve společnosti


Na střední škole jsem byl/a
Mé společenské chování je
Přátelská osoba, Komické, Otevřené
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou
Cvičení, Rodina, Vzdělávání, Hudba, Filmy, Internet, Tanec, Stravování, Náboženství / spiritualita, Cestování, Dobrovolnictví, Počítače
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je
Potloukat se s přáteli, Filmy, Relax, TV, Jít na koncert
Ideální první rande by bylo
To enjoy a nice, casual conversation in a restaurant, or cozy place. The atmosphere should have a pleasant ambiance, and foster the opportunity to talk and mutually share who you are.
Vždy jsem chtěl/a vyzkoušet
Flying an airplance
Moji přátelé mě popisují jako
Přátelská osoba, Někdo, kým by chtěli být, V pohodě


Mé náboženství je
Navštěvuji bohoslužby
Jednou za měsíc
Můj životní cíl je
Update my business to achieve freedom, security and provide a positive fulfilling life for myself.
Secondarily, to find a positive, compatible relationship with someone who shares similar interests.
Můj smysl humoru je
Chytrý, Přátelská osoba


V TV vždy sleduji
Zprávy, Drama, Filmy
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji
Komedie, Romantika, Drama
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám
Pop, Jazz, Latin, Dance
Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu
Autobiografie, Biografie, Fikce, Filozofické
Má představa zábavy je
I enjoy a variety of fun activities; including sailing, going to plays and musical concerts (jazz, pop, latin)and movies. I'm quite a film buff; and love to discuss the essence of good movies. I also like traveling--whether local trips to Santa Barbara, or extensive trips like Italy, New York, or exotic parts of the world.

On a local level, I love to go to restaurants, and get together with close friends for the evening.

By the way, I'm open to new experiences.


Co považuješ za atraktivní?
Inteligenci, Dobrý vzhled, Humor, Skvělé dovednosti, Empatii, Citlivost, Troufalost, Spontánnost, Ohleduplnost
Co hledáš?
Someone who is intelligent, first and foremost; caring, and open to the other person’s point of view. Most importantly, an individual who is mature, emphathetic, flexible, and willing to look outside of his own past experiences and view of the world. This follows with the desire to meet someone who is not bound by his past –and is fully open to someone who is new, exciting and different from other involvements.
I also am looking for someone who enjoys a variety of experiences and interests, is fun and spontaneous in his plans for life. If this person is not locked in to what happened in the past, and is ready to look openly, sincerely at a new potential relationship, things are off to a great start. A critical need is someone who is laid-back, but has definite goals in life—and wants a relationship with someone who can enhance these perspectives in a similar manner.
It is also important that you are able to carry on a conversation about different aspects of life, or the world—basic
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?
Intimní, Odevzdaný/á