Opera lover in Montrose seeks company

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Houston, Texas | Мужчина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация

Я бы описал(а) себя как
Hi! I'm a fun loving, intelligent, educated arts fan who's looking for a companion to share good times with. I live in the Montrose district and I'm especially interested in finding another "inner-looper" who makes her home in Houston metro, not some distant suburb and rarely gets into the city.

Opera season is nearly here and I have HGO season tickets to share. I also enjoy classical music, jazz, blues, "classic" rock. Other passions include movies, dining out, and good conversation. My other passion is literature. I've written 2 novels, 3 screenplays, numerous short stories and short nonfiction. James Joyce's Ulysses is my mose loved novel. Besides "real" literature, I like mysteries and suspense stories. I also read history, biography, science, philosophy, and books about music. I'm a classically trained baritone and I've sung in operas and chorales in Houston.

Weekends you'll find me in bookstores, enjoying a cold beer and lunch in Montrose, or possibly playing pool or taking in a movie.

Physically I can't get around too quickly, as I walk with a cane due to a bum knee, but otherwise I'm in decent health. I'm 5-8 and about 210, with short grey hair and a neatly trimmed beard, and I've been told that I have a nice smile. I have a "trophy" scar from bypass surgery and now I plan to be around a long while. I work full time in a high-tech engineering profession so most of my weekdays are too busy for getting together but my weekends are free. Oh, I don't smoke and would prefer you don't either. I do drink socially.

You should be ready to get out and enjoy some nightlife or weekend activities. Lunch at some Montrose or Heights bistro would be a good way to become acquainted.

I'm seeking a long term relationship but I'm not in a rush, either. I'm perfectly happy to take my time and let a relationship grow gradually.

Let me be honest. I love my family but they're all grown and live elsewhere. If you're spending all your time babysitting grandkids or "parenting" your grown children, we probably won't be compatible. I'm looking for someone who's single and interested in living for herself, someone who's got the free time most weekends for enjoying a relationship.

Let's chat.
Знак зодиака

Внешность и семейное положение

Мой рост
169 см
Мои глаза
Моя этническая принадлежность
Белый европеец/кавказец
Семейное положение
У меня есть дети
Да - живут с другим родителем
Хочу детей
Привлекательная часть тела
Мои волосы
Домашние животные
Хочу переехать


Полный рабочий день
Род занятий
Род занятий
Technical consultant
Все очень спокойно
Отношение к курению
Да, в компаниях


В школе я был(а):
Мое социальное поведение
Сама дружелюбность
Интересы и увлечения:
Чтение, Музыка, Фильмы, Ужин, Театр
Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени
Фильмы, Пойду на концерт
Идеально первое свидание
Lunch some weekend in an inner-loop bistro.
Друзья считают что я:
Сама дружелюбность


Моя религия
Посещение служб:
По праздникам
Моя цель в жизни
Been there, done that already -- ha ha
Мой юмор


По телевизору, я всегда смотрю
Драма, Фильмы, Спорт
Предпочитаемая музыка
Рок, Классика, Блюз, Джаз
Я люблю читать:
Классика, Художественная литература, История, Ужасы, Юмор, Тайна, Наука, Научная фантастика, Я автор
Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения
Opera, dining out, movies

В поиске

Считаю привлекательным:
Интеллект, Красота, Юмор, Спонтанность, Остроумие
Что и кого ищете?
Boon companion to share the classics with
Ищу отношения типа:
Друг, Серьезные отношения